Canberra 2001
defining what it means to be Green in the new millennium
The Global Greens is the international network of
Green parties and political movements
We, as citizens of the planet and members of the Global Greens,
United in our awareness that we depend on the Earth’s vitality, diversity andvbeauty, and that it is our responsibility to pass them on, undiminished or even improved, to the next generation
Recognising that the dominant patterns of human production and consumption, based on the dogma of economic growth at any cost and the excessive and wasteful use of natural resources without considering Earth’s carrying capacity, are causing extreme deterioration in the environment and a massive extinction of species
Acknowledging that injustice, racism, poverty, ignorance, corruption, crime and violence, armed conflict and the search for maximum short term profit are causing widespread human suffering
Accepting that developed countries through their pursuit of economic and political
goals have contributed to the degradation of the environment and of human dignity
Understanding that many of the world’s peoples and nations have been impoverished by the long centuries of colonisation and exploitation, creating an ecological debt owed by the rich nations to those that have been impoverished
Committed to closing the gap between rich and poor and building a citizenship based on equal rights for all individuals in all spheres of social, economic, political and cultural life
Recognising that without equality between men and women, no real democracy can be achieved
Concerned for the dignity of humanity and the value of cultural heritage
Recognising the rights of indigenous people and their contribution to the common heritage, as well as the right of all minorities and oppressed peoples to their culture, religion, economic and cultural life
Convinced that cooperation rather than competition is a pre-requisite for ensuring the guarantee of such human rights as nutritious food, comfortable shelter, health, education, fair labour, free speech, clean air, potable water and an unspoilt natural environment
Recognising that the environment ignores borders between countries and
Building on the Declaration of the Global Gathering of Greens at Rio in 1992
Assert the need for fundamental changes in people’s attitudes, values, and ways of producing and living
Declare that the new millennium provides a defining point to begin that transformation
Resolve to promote a comprehensive concept of sustainability which
•protects and restores the integrity of the Earth’s ecosystems, with special concern for biodiversity and the natural processes that sustain life
•acknowledges the interrelatedness of all ecological, social and economic processes
•balances individual interests with the common good
•harmonises freedom with responsibility
•welcomes diversity within unity
•reconciles short term objectives with long term goals
•ensures that future generations have the same right as the present generation to natural and cultural benefits
Affirm our responsibility to one another, to the greater community of life, and to future generations
Commit ourselves as Green parties and political movements from around the world to implement these interrelated principles and to create a global partnership in support of their fulfilment
selengkapnya silah klik Charter of The Global Green
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E-Book Bumi, Air dan Kekayaan Alam Dikuasi Siapa?
Setengah Abad UUPA 1960: Tahun Emas Perjuangan Rakyat Tani; Laksanakan Pembaruan Agraria Sejati
E-Book : Matahari Baru di Setiap Hari Baru
untuk (mengeja keteladanan) MUNIR, WIJI THUKUL, MARSINAH dan semua sahabat rakyat itu (jadi doa)
E-Book : Aksi Diam Kamisan di Depan Istana Negara
E-Book : Songsong Proklamasi Kebangkitan Rakyat Indonesia
E-Book : Jelang Detik-detik Proklamasi – Ilalang dan Jerami Kering di Pekarangan Istana Buto
E-Book : Everyday is Earth Day! Lawan Keserakahan Untuk Masa Depan Anak-Cucu Kita
E-Book : Rumput-rumput Paku pada Wajah Bapak Ibu Tani
E-Book : Palu Besi atau Paku-paku Besi di Tubuh Kaum Buruh
E-Book : Panen Raya (milik sendiri) di Kampung Adat
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